Can you imagine having honey on tap straight from your beehive? That is exactly what father and son team Stuart and Cedar Anderson aim to bring to market with an Indiegogo campaign they are launching later this month. Update: It launched yesterday! Don't miss out, one day into the campaign and they have raised over 1.9 million dollars greatly exceeding their $70,000 goal! 

Their invention is called Flow™ frames, and allows beekeepers to literally tap their beehives. Not only will this allow beekeepers to reduce the stress levels of their bees, but it will revolutionize honey harvesting, making it easier, cleaner and less labour intensive than ever before. 

After ten years of research and development in the field, the duo feel ready to bring their invention to market, making this upgrade in simple technology available to beekeepers everywhere. With an Indiegogo launch aimed for Feb. 22nd, the apiarists plan to begin the manufacturing and distribution process within four months.

Given all the righteous noise we hear about bee colony collapse lately, their launch couldn't come a day too soon. And the easier it is to bee keep, the more likely it is people may be inspired to pick it up.




The father and son team have spent the last few years trying out their devices in Canada, the U.S. and Australia. Below are a few  testimonials from the beekeepers involved in daily testing and operation. 

"In 2014 I had the pleasure of testing the Flow frames... The bees quickly accepted the frames and in less than 2 weeks stored and capped 40 lb of honey. I must say it was quite exciting to see the first bit of honey appear at the outlet, then make its way down the tube into the jar. Mesmerizing.” 

 - John Gates - Canada 26 years with the BC Ministry of Agriculture. Lectured throughout Canada, USA and New Zealand. Beekeeping since 1974   

“Mind Blowing...It's not very often something is so revolutionary as to blow my mind...Saving 20% of harvest labor is not trivial, 40% is amazing, 60% is revolutionary. But 95%, that’s Mind Boggling!” 

 - Michael Bush - USA Author of Beekeeping Naturally and one of USA’s most famous beekeepers  

“The bees took to it quite quickly and filled the box in a couple of weeks. The honey comes out clean, no filtering needed. The bees remove the caps off the comb and start filling it again. Great system. I’ve seen this working and I would recommend it”.

 - Michael Howes - Commercial Beekeeper, Tyagarah Apiaries Australia   

Honey tap ©
Honey tap ©
Honey tap ©
Honey channel at the bottom of a Flow™ frame
Honey channel at the bottom of a Flow™ frame ©
Commercial version Flow™ frame bee hive
Commercial version Flow™ frame bee hive