Is Blum hardware LBC compliant or free of Red List components?
I can find no information on this online and Blum seems to be vague about it also. Any assistance would be appreciated.
I can find no information on this online and Blum seems to be vague about it also. Any assistance would be appreciated.
That is a great question, and so far we have no additional info to offer you unfortunately. Your best bet would be do contact the Living future Institute who run the Living Building Challenge, we did that ourselves but recieved nothing back yet, we will update this if we do.
For other readers - The Materials Red List refers to the most harmful building materials on the market as laid out by the International Living Future Institute; materials on the list must not be included in a building in order to meet the requirements of the Living Building Challenge, which is the toughest building rating system in the world.
If you are able to find out more please let us Know here Phil, here is their contact page. Thanks!
We heard back from the Living Future Institute, here is what they said -
The Red List is a list of substances that are generally not accepted in products used in projects pursuing the Living Building Challenge. Companies register their products with our materials transparency program, Declare, which they use to disclose any Red List ingredients in their products.
Blum Hardware does not have any Declare Labels, at least not under that brand name. It's possible they have labels under a different brand name if you have any that you would like me to check. Let me know if this is the answer you were looking for.