Where can I find certified Green builders in Ontario?

David Gonzalez
David Gonzalez
Updated: Sept. 10, 2020

Good day,

We love your site and all the pertaining information & knowledge that is shared on the green building industry. We are truly grateful for the high level of contribution that is provided with your platform which is thoughtfully summarized for us regular folks.

We are considering buying land in eastern Ontario to eventually build an eco-home and are wondering if there is an association or list of certified eco-builders that can be consulted. Your sister organization in Quebec has a nice list of certified Eco-Entrepreneurs on it's website and was wondering if something similar exists for Ontario or even Canada.

Browsing websites is OK but anyone can indicate they follow green building principles...doesn't mean they are competent on the subject.

Do you have any reliable ressources that you can share?

Thank you for your passion.



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