Are there auto balancing ERV/HRV system?

Updated: June 29, 2021

I'm in the phase of developing a new residential project; airtight building envelope with more than ample insulation. In doing so, I've discussed installing an energy recovery ventilator with my HVAC contractor. We will look at doing some form of energy audit to size the system.

My greatest concern is how the ERV functions at keeping the stack pressure in balance on a continual basis with factors like doors/windows opening, kitchen exhaust, etc. Has anyone come across a self-balancing unit , seem like this type of adjustment would serve a very practical purpose. My concern is that after the inital balancing, the overall stack pressure is out of balance, causing either backdrafting, or positive pressure on the building assembiles. 

Responses (3)

Roger Kjonaas
Roger Kjonaas 4 years ago

Venmar, which is owned by Broan-Nutone has one called; Virtuo Air Technology

Aldoogie 3 years ago
Aso Mo
Aso Mo 1 year ago