How do can I insulate an existing basement floor from 1906?

Cathy Gaskins
Updated: Feb. 18, 2021

Old house; basement is only 21% of total under house footage. 79% is crawl space. Basement Never painted. Walls go up 4 ft to a 2ft wide ledge and then the old stone foundation. 1 side is an exterior wall; 3 sides are crawl space beyond the stone. 

Responses (3)

Cathy Gaskins 4 years ago

This is in Springfield, MO. Climate zone 4. Basement head space is 6 ft to bottom of joists. There is a sump hole and pump. No obvious past flood stains. 

Mike Reynolds 4 years ago

Your winters aren't too harsh in general, and that 6 feet of head room is right on the cusp of whether or not it can be usable and if you can walk around upright. You could really benefit from at least 2 inches of insulation on the floor, but I don't think I'd go more than 4 inches, so it's really down to head room and how often you want to go there.