Which insulation do I use for interior walls of a framed in bunker?
An existing bunker 6 W x 6L x 8H with sump pump (failed) flooded causing mold. Bayfield, WI. It is being cleaned professionally. It is framed in with wooden studs and the structure is some kind of outdoor plywood, concrete floor and metal pump pan. The building is on posts. Need to determine best way to insulate along studs in bunker and floor joists for temp and moisture insulation.
I have to say you've got us a little stumped here with the word 'bunker', and the ensuing description. So clear me up a little here because I'm sure we can help once we can wrap our heads around it -
Is this a 6 x 6 above grade structure, or is it below grade?
It's on posts you say, but it has a concrete floor and a sump pump? If so- I don't understand why it needs a sump pump if its on posts.
What is it used for, a sleeping cabin? By 'bunker' do you mean bunky or bunk house?
If this is a small above grade wood framed building that you want to insulate, any typical wall insulate and wall assembly would suffice - like fiberglass batts, Rockwool, rigid foam etc. Here is our page on Choosing the right insulation, that will help you understand where each insulation works best no matter what the structure is, and if you clear up some of my confusion I can help more.