Where do I find home building resources for owner-builders?
Hi! I'm looking to get started on the planning of an owner-build for an accessorry dwelling unit (807sqft limit, 2BR limit, 20ft height limit) in Hamilton, Ontario. Ideally I'd like to make the build as efficient/eco as possibly.
With the prefab houses you're partnered with seemingly in limbo due to covid, I'm wondering if you could guide me towards any specific forums or resources to help with design & execution of a self-build.
You’ve actually found the place to start learning all you need to know to design and build your own home, start here –
Ecohome Green Home Building Guide
Our building guide is broken down into categories from Concept and design, all the way through best construction practices for sustainable homes and non toxic building materials and home finishing - and even how to build decks that last. I suggest you start in there, and if you have any questions let us know. Best of luck!