how do I find a window/glass vendor who really understands passive solar houses?
We just bought a passive solar house. Half the roof is windows and they need to be replaced. I am trying to find a vendor who understands the windows' role in the house design so I can make sure we get the right windows etc. We are having trouble finding someone in our area (Cape Cod, Massachusetts) and I wondered if there were any organizations or groups for folks who own passive solar homes. Thanks.
Choosing windows carefully is a very important part of passive solar heating. But it has not been our experience that all window manufacturers really have a grasp on passive heating and cooling strategies, so you are best to go to them already armed with information. You aren’t in an extremely cold climate so that will help. First here are a few pages about choosing windows –
How to choose the best windows for High Performance Homes
What's The Best Window Frame Material?
The short summary of what we would be looking for when choosing windows for a passive solar home would be – triple-paned, gas-filled, wood or fiberglass frames with Low-E coatings. Find a reputable company that can build you those and that provides a good warranty and you’re in business.
Have a look over those pages and if you have more questions don’t hesitate to ask. Also important for durability and efficiency is installation, there are a lot of common and unnecessary mistakes that we regularly see builders make, so be aware of air leakage and thermal bridging around windows. Here is our page about how to install windows properly.