What's the best way to organize a fridge to reduce food waste and spoiling?
We were shocked to realize that we're probably throwing away at least 20% of the produce we buy - so with the cost of living going through the roof here in California and having read a few articles about keeping different produce and foods separate to avoid everything ripening or going soft prematurely - even in the fridge - can you point us in the right direction to discover what produce we should put where and which to keep apart? We'd also be interested in opinions on different types of fridge as we're probably going to have to replace ours soon. Thanks!
We have a guide page specifically on how to organized a fridge so food doesn't get wasted, have a look that will offer you a lot of good ideas. Further to that, for another way to lower your monthly grocery bills, we have tons of pages on how to grow food at home no matter now small a space you live in or whatever your gardening experience. There are tips for indoor herb gardens, bottle gardens in windows, as well as how to grow food in small spaces and finding out which edible plants grow well in the shade.
And for the food waste you do accumulate, here is out page about the easiest way to compost kitchen waste, then you'll have lots of nutrients for your new garden!