How do I get water out of basement?
Older home that basement was added to an addition and just removed 109 year old Siberian elm from front of house. Elm stump is still within 10 feet of structure.
Older home that basement was added to an addition and just removed 109 year old Siberian elm from front of house. Elm stump is still within 10 feet of structure.
Take a look at our step by step recommendations when dealing with a flood in the basement of your home.
As an emergency solution to remove water from a basement you can use a portable pump. But before undertaking any necessary repairs, it is important to include solutions to prevent it from happening again.
Basement foundations need proper drainage, though this can be an expensive undertaking for a finished and landscaped house, so first aim for the low hanging fruit. By that we mean, be sure that the grade is sloped away from the house and not towards it. If you don’t have rain gutters on your roof, get some installed as the next step. If you have gutters, be sure they drain to a low-lying area away from your foundation. And most importantly is having a sump pump, read more here –
If you let us know how the water gets in (if you know) and how often it happens, we may have some more ideas. Let us know also if the basement is currently finished, walls and floors. for unfinished basements it is possible to do an interior drain, this can be a lot cheaper than doing an exterior drain as that requires a significant amount of excavation, and is often hampered by decks, patios, or pavement.