What is the best way to insulate a 2x4 wall from the outside in a cold climate?

Kevin L

I have a 1960s home with 2x4 walls, vapor barrier behind drywall, fiberglass insulation, plywood cladding and siding. Located in Alberta, Canada.

i am planning on re-insultating and sealing from the outside.

trying to make sure the wall assembly will dry effectively.

i have identified at least 3 options, and i am unsure of best path to follow:

1. Remove existing plywood and cavity insulation, spray foam cavities from outside in, reinstall plywood (might be some air gaps behind plywood), add tyvek drainwrap wrb, then add 2" polyiso enerair, 1" strapping, siding.

2. Remove existing plywood and cavity insulation AND existing poly vapor barrier. Install rockwool batt insulation with NO vapor barrier (to allow drying inwards), reinstall plywood , install peel and stick wrb/air seal, then add 4" comfortboard rockwool, then 1" strapping, siding.

3. Leave existing wall assembly alone, install peel and stick wrb, then add 4" comfortboard, then 1" strapping, siding.

i want to improve air sealing and thermal performance of the walls, but I don't want to create a moisture trap. I have seen a few people add 2" ridgid foam to the outside, and think that will have moisture issues in between inner poly vapor barrier and the unbreathable foam.

any suggestions or links to previous similar questions appreciated.

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