What is the least toxic countertop material/s also considering sealants and adhesives they may contain?

inbar strauch

I'm looking for a non toxic countertop (and sink). or a list of them. Not toxic or if not possible then least toxic is the number one priority. but the second is budget friendly so if you can list the totally non toxic materials and then put an approximate price per sq foot including instalation.

if you list some that are less toxic can you state which are not at all and which low emission, i'd appreciate it.

I gather some countetops are only non toxic after they've been manufactured?

Responses (3)

Jerry McIntire
Jerry McIntire 5 days ago

Our new kitchen countertop is Marmoleum, which is a completely non-toxic old-school linoleum typically used on floors. It is relatively inexpensive, resilient, and comes in many colors and looks. My second favorite choice would be wood. Again, non-toxic. Tile is also non-toxic, but hard and loud which is why I avoid it.

Mike Reynolds 2 days ago

Interesting to hear that Jerry, thanks for sharing. I'd not heard of Marmoleum counters. For anyone reading along, here is a link to our Marmoleum non toxic flooring page to read about it as a product.