Do you have prefab homes for Northern California?
Single level, 1400 to 1700 sq. Ft.,3 bedrooms, 2 - 3 baths. Plentifull windows, fire resistive construction.
Single level, 1400 to 1700 sq. Ft.,3 bedrooms, 2 - 3 baths. Plentifull windows, fire resistive construction.
To find local manufacturers and builders of prefab homes for California, see Prefab Homes in the Ecohome Directory. If you toggle in your location you will get a list of companies that service your local area.
In company profile pages you can see prefab models, floor plans, and they will offer different levels of completion. Prefab homes can come on a truck completed and ready to move in, or in various levels of completion such as having walls pre-made and you do your own interior finishing or find a local General contractor or builder in the directory to complete the work for you. That is the worlds biggest listing of prefab home builders, and it keeps growing quickly so if you don't find a suitable one check back later as there may be more.]
And great that you've made 'fire-resistance' one of your design considerations, especially after the catastrophic fires in LA. We are in discussion with prefab home manufacturers in California to make fire-resistance a top priority, you can read here how we are trying to steer a discussion towards improving home fire resistance in California building codes.