...air and resulting heat loss is a major problem in this design of house. Air leakage through walls and ceilings is responsible for a large percentage of the heat...
I took off the trim around a sliding door during the summer in search of a pesky cricket, I found the cricket but I also found big gaps between window and frame...
...air leakage rate to about 0.6 ACH (here is our air barrier installation video). As for ideal window placement within a wall assembly, if you are looking for the...
...air seal all the joints and sistered joists with caulk or sealant because where the SPF meets the joints, the seam is thin and air goes right though the SPF and...
...air barrier sheathing when the joints are taped as specified by the manufacturer. There should not be any notable air leakage from additional fasteners used to ...
The aero barrier will not work in the vertical plane. Can you explain this concept? the vertical plane need another method to seal? The Aerobarrier air barrier ...
...air through any holes in your building envelope. That will create positive air pressure inside the house, and force air out other holes in your building envelop...
...air and vapour movement comes from the fact that usually one product (6-mil polyethylene) is used as both the vapour barrier AND air barrier, but air leakage a...
...air leakage. Insulating chimneys from the outside: Cover the entire stack of bricks with a layer of rigid insulation (rockwool or expanded polystyrene) and ha...
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