...construction. We know nothing about the history of ICF construction or whether it's a good idea. Our winters are cold as we are high up and the site is west fac...
...construction and looking to donate. Habbitat don't serve my area. Any suggestion, please! That is a very generous thing to so, a tip of our collective hats to y...
...Construction here..
An Uninsulated footing under ICF block construction walls allows thermal bridging into the concrete core of the wall allowing energy stored in the thermal mass ...
...construction with the addition of 3.5" of EPS panels on the exterior. We will have a concrete slab floor. What is the best method to support very heavy slidin...
...construction? Now that the homeowners have lived with it for 5 years would they change anything about the flooring and will the ICF blocks on my build give any ...
Building a new raised bungalow in Ontario. 2x6 framed walls with r22 batt insulation and vapour barrier on the inside and just house wrap on the outside was wha...
...construction methods like ICF blocks, Double stud walls, and pre-built wall assemblies. What can you tell me about your experience with ICF construction compar...
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