Hello I have a semi detached house in Toronto Canada. The house built in the 1930's is double brick wall. The house is original and has little to no insulation ...
Hello, our house built in 1920 untouched save for a simple kitchen. It's walls are toung and groove pine. No heat no insulation just the wainscotting walls. The...
...exterior of walls, and your question is sort of answered in there anyway – The best way to insulate walls is from the exterior Since you’re already going to be ...
I want to use grey water in yard, ideally without having to replace entire watering system. Water would come from laundry and shower.
...exterior foundation insulation is an excellent idea. It’s great to have on the inside of basements, but exterior insulation is even better as you keep the therm...
Is it a good idea to add comfort board or similar to outside of SIP, and if so how do u deal with window set back?
...exterior of the walls to protect the stone or concrete wall from freezing and cracking. Is that an option? If so read on here – How to properly insulate the ex...
...exterior finish is 3 times the cost and 3 times the value of any other cladding, so I wouldn’t get rid of it on a whim. If you really can’t stand the look of it...
...exterior of the footing insulation once the forms are removed, specifically the top of the roxul that would be exposed after building the exterior walls. Just t...
...exterior insulation on the walls during renovation, any advice on technique, materials or cost comparisons? There are a variety of products and techniques, I’...
...exterior can I use formular 1/2" or does the foam sheet need to be foil faced? And can i also use 1/2" formular between the studs on the interior along with my ...
...exterior plank wall, if I can just add fiberglass into the wall spaces and is there a product that has some kind of a vapour barrier attached. (We don't want to...
I have never done exterior foundation insulating because I have never seen a good looking and long lasting finish. Even parging on concrete only lasts so long d...
My husband is finishing our basement and installed 1 inch foam insulation to the exterior wall before framing and then installing fiberglass insulation. When he...
Our idea is to 'double strap' the exterior. First, the siding is in excellent condition and is the masonite type that was fairly common in the that time per...
...exterior of the wall (so between the studs but from outside)? Is spray foam reccomended or is there something I am missing? Any help is grately appreciated! Sim...
...exterior then insulation then an exterior like painted wood or something engineered. Should we use a foam insulation or could that lead to vapour issues? Than...
...exterior. Is there a method to do this that would not put the structure at risk from water penetration? How much benefit would we get from just insulating a...
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