...hydronic heated floors, using propane gas as fuel. $400/ mth is killing me. Help, i have been told it can't be done . It's a great idea to replace the use of g...
I am proposing to install hydronic radiant heating on my subfloor to take it up a notch as I was also planning to install a ductless heat pump system. On furthe...
...hydronic heat. I'm inclined to have the hydronic heat installed in the floor but I've heard that it's not necessary and will "overheat the house". One local sup...
...hydronic (liquid) radiant floors, at least when they are heated with the same fuel. Meaning – a boiler heating water that is circulated through radiant tubing i...
...hydronic floor or electric. Hydronic is about 3300$ and the electric, around 2000$. I will keep the garage at a low temperature (around 12C) and will also have ...
I live in Nova scotia and doing a new build, I have a 6ft high ICF block constructed frost wall with 4 inches of rigid insulation giving me R20 laid over the va...
...hydronic) system with an electric boiler. See more here about why Heating with electricity is the cleanest heat source. But, when electricity rates are very ex...
...hydronic with a gas boiler. We cover hydronic radiant floor heating systems on this page. As for install cost, you may find electric wire systems to be a bit ch...
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