...off-grid that is looking for heating solutions. There are links on that page you can follow to the manufacturers page, and I took a look myself just now and fou...
Very interested in your prefabs on slab. We would prefer to be off grid as the cost of grid power on our site is expensive. We also need a water collection syst...
At the moment I'm designing a small house that I hope to be able to be able to live in all year round, with zero bills so I'm using wind, hydro and solar for el...
Hello I am 20 years old and live in NORTHERN British Columbia. I used to rent a small cabin a bike everywhere all year round, I now have and live in my truck be...
...off-grid, eco friendly, geothermal Adobe home but I’ve never heard of anyone in Michigan doing so. Is it feasible, and who do I contact to help me with the cons...
...off-grid, passively heated home, we have lots of pages that will help you design properly for whatever climate your building in. Below are a few starter pages. ...
Hi, we are planning to build a home in the Canadian Rockies, we would like to incorporate a grid tied, ground mounted solar system into our design. Given that ...
Hi I just bought an off the grid cabin I want to put in a green water collections and water and waste management system can you advice what is the best one to g...
I have an illustration of a top view looking down but still working on a side view but not quite sure on what section and how much reinforcement I would need to...
We are currently living within the GTA area but looking to buy a land (within the next couple of years) about 2 hours away from the central Toronto area and bui...
I will probably build a solar panel with layers of black screen. My question is, I have a patio door with a thermal pane in it. Could this be used for the glass...
Earlier posts regarding the Kenogami House talked about using a phase change thermal battery, to avoid overheating during sunny winter days that provided too mu...
...Off-grid heating solutions Passive solar home design Choosing the right wood stove Off-grid living blog: heating systems
I live in NM where the temperature gets below freezing in winter and around 100 degrees in summer. In my small mechanical room I have a propane boiler and an i...
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