I have over 200 acres in which I would like to have several eco homes price is a huge factor, I have water and electricity in all six locations can I get a pri...
...purchase the plans to see if it qualifies for an Ontario building permit? Have you expanded to Ontario for delivery? Have you expanded for Ontario for build? ...
I want a prefab: Round or hexagonal, 2-story, all 'green'. Where should I look? RE SHIPPING COSTS: I'm in eastern US (WV). We are working to get more pref...
My family and I are purchasing ten acres in FL and we want to then build five Pre fab solar powered Hurricane safe one bedroom homes on the property. Can you su...
Hi Im looking in buying a house or land in Ottawa or Edmonton, even a bit outside the city. I’m interested in the pre-fab LEED concept. Are there restrictions i...
I have a lot near Barrie in Oro. Im looking for options to build the most cost-effective building possible. I just answered an almost identical question so I...
Hi Do you have options for 900-1200 sq ft prefab eco home or material/building supply reference ? We do kit houses close to that size, and some are able to be m...
So I have a 7 1/2 ton unit I am installing in a commercial doctors office they have a surgery room that needs 20 cycles of fresh air per hour what type of recov...
...purchase, permits, excavation, digging a well, septic system, power hookup, and even having a foundation, slab on grade or screw piles (posts). If the models o...
We are planning to move to Colorado in the near future and I really like your designs. We have a number of prefab kit houses available in Canada and the US. The...
Is hemp insulating wallboard available in Canada? I have seen some in the uk We will soon be suppling Hemp Insulation and Hemp Building Products, we are current...
Where can I buy hemp insulation in Durham Region area of Ontario, Canada? You can buy hemp insulation at Ecohome for Canada or the US, just send us an email a...
...purchase it? We used Aeratron ceiling fans for ventilation in our Edelweiss Demo House in 2015 but we have not been in contact with the company since. Have you ...
Hi there! I live in Montana, just south of the Canadian border. Do you have plans to expand in the near future, or are there companies you would recommend out h...
...purchase Canadian product from Canadian diatributor (not California). We will soon be suppling Hemp Insulation and Hemp Building Products, we are currently in t...
I have 1500sf of Celing area I need to cover with wood planks I need to know what the labour cost of that . I assume you are asking because you saw this page he...
We are a hempcrete and hempwool installation company in Boulder, Colorado. I would like to have a consistent source of these products if possible. Are you the p...
Chevy Campervan remodel. I have respiratory issues and looking for the least toxic insulation for this metal frame. Do I need to use foil tape with hemp insulat...
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