...sips for the roof.
Building a 24 X 50 Post and Beam barn. Thinking of applying 2 layers of 4 " (8" total) of rigid insulaton, offset seams on top of 1 X 8 sheathing. Seams of to...
The building will be in U.S. climate zone 4. 60 inches of annual rain. Hot and very dry summers. Since it is wildfire prone, fire resistance is needed. Simple g...
...SIPS (structural insulated panels) usually made of rigid EPS (expanded polystyrene) panels. There are also companies that will take your building plans and crea...
We have a cabin in the Bershires of Massachusetts ceilings and floor have been insulated, dense pack celluose in ceilings 4 in Amivic graphite EPS under floors....
...SIPs on the outside of a shipping container home, but I’m not sure it is your best use of your money or resources. The thing is – SIPS stands for Structural In...
...SIPs is certainly a possibility, But SIPs usually come with OSB on either side, which may not be necessary. A product that may actually fit your purpose is Ther...
I have seen your recommendation for the Legalett concrete slab technology, but I wonder how their wall-insulation system compares to the wall systems that you p...
I want to save money on my build so I am considering slab on grade 2 story rather than the allowable 2 1/2 story with SIPS. Most of the builders I've talked are...
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