Building Lasting Change is Canada’s largest green building conference and is known for activating connections, delivering world class learning opportunities and...
Purpose of this event: To enable participants to visit a spacious, open concept single level home that is only 60% of the size of an average new home. To showc...
An annual event for building owners and operators, architects, engineers, planners, builders, green product suppliers, and planning and building policy makers...
...CaGBC brings the green building industry together for the CaGBC National Conference and Expo. It is the premier green building event that connects sustainably-m...
...CaGBC Ottawa for more information.
The CaGBC's BD+C exam preparation course provides you with all of the content and study tools needed to successfully prepare for the LEED BD+C exam. This two-da...
...CaGBC at 613.241.1184 or toll-free at 1.866.941.1184, or visit the Ottawa chapter website
This one-day workshop is a detailed examination of how to build financially viable deep green buildings. It describes how to build a business case for building ...
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