This 2016 designed and 2018 completed 22,000 sq/ft 4 story building is extreemly healthy and energy efficient. It was the first both office and production lab building built to the rigiourious Passive House Building Science Standard in Canada and all of North America. Nestled on a south facing hillside overlooking the rolling hills of forest and lakes of the Algonquin Highlands of Ontario (aka Turtle Island) this building was extreemly detailed in design and extreemly well crafted in construction to be very healthy, and extreemly energy and water efficient, while using many local materials to respect and pay homage to the beautiful forest that is financially protected to remain a healthy forest by the business the building supports. The building provides a very healthy and attactive workplace for many local staff team members. G West worked in close detail with the owner's of the very health and eco conscious company to ensure this building would be a very healthy workplace, with no "red list" materials used and also be extreemly energy efficient with the ability to be completely self sufficient as well as be built to last a minimum of seven generations. This project pioneered many new yet robust and energy efficient building systems and methods. The LLHQ building is a shining example of what can be achieved when carefully combining todays best building sciences with very skilled craftsmanship. For more details about the pioneering LLHQ building, see the articles about it on the website, reach out to G West by email, or just search for the "LLHQ" project or the "Living Libations Headquarters" online.