Thomas Edison Electric

Thomas Edison Electric

Emergency Electrician Services

Thomas Edison Electric is a leading provider of emergency electrician services for both residential & commercial customers in Allentown, Reading, West Chester, and Philadelphia. We are a full service electrical company that operates around the clock 24/7. Whether you are in need of an electrical wiring contractor or you need assistance with your circuit breaker and fuses or you need emergency help with amperage electrical issues or burning and electrical smells, we are here to help. What's more, our electrical repair services are available at highly affordable rates. Call us today to find out what we can do for you!

Environmentally Sustainable Choices

Operating around the clock for 24 hours, Thomas Edison Electric is a leading provider of emergency electrician services for both residential & commercial customers in Allentown, Reading, West Chester, and Philadelphia.
We also provide complete emergency electrical services for amperage electrical issues, outlets and specialty receptacles, power outages, burning and electrical smells, and electric shock & fire prevention with AFCIs & GFCIs. Our emergency electrician Philadelphia operates around the clock.


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