Airtight & Weatherproof

Efficient, durable and airtight wall assemblies

Creating Airtight & Weatherproof Sustainable Homes: Best Building Envelope Tips


Choosing a good caulking gun & caulk is important for a successful sealing job

Top tips for caulking - which caulking gun is best & tips on how to do a clean caulking job

An effective caulking job at air sealing or for water protection in kitchens and bathrooms starts finding the right caulking gun for the job. See here for tips. What is the best caulking tool? The first and most costly mistake made for any first-timers doing a DIY home caulking job is buying the wrong tool. There…

Using caulk to make a seal, but which type is best?

Which is the best caulk or sealant for caulking windows and bathrooms etc?

Caulk, caulking, silicone, sealant - the gooey stuff in a tube used to seal windows, doors and to fill the gaps in buildings, comes in all different types - some of which usually gets on your clothes! Here we look at which caulk is best. Which is the best caulk or sealant? Finding the right caulking, and better…

Blower Door Tests - What's the Cost & Who Does Them?

What is a blower door test? What's the cost? How do you find a company to do one?

A blower door test identifies air leakage in a home; you can find and fix those air leaks for a more airtight, mold & rot-free and energy-efficient sustainable green home. What is a blower door test? Blower door tests are becoming part of many State and Provincial mandatory building codes - the new BC Energy Step…

Aerobarrier home and attic air-sealing spray

Aerobarrier is a non-toxic acrylic spray that quickly and affordably seals air leaks in attics and homes. We cannot overstate the importance of airtightness in homes and attic rooms. A proper air barrier reduces heat loss in winter, overheating in summer, and prevents moisture build up in walls which can lead to…

Tyvek home wrap left exposed to wind and UV rays

Choosing the right house wrap / weather barrier, which is best?

Weather barriers (or more accurately water-resistive barriers) keep bulk water away from vulnerable building components and allow walls to dry at the same time. A technical guide to understanding the role weather barriers and rainscreens play in a wall, choosing the right products and installation tips for optimum…

Problem areas of air leakage in a home and blower door test being cond

Airtight Construction of Homes is Essential: "Your house sucks." "Oh yeah? your house blows!"

Odds are that at any given time the air pressure in a house is out of balance & either drawing air in or forcing it out. Learn the causes, the effects & the solutions for air leakage in homes & why it's important. Air Tightness in Houses - All about Balancing Air Pressure in the Home We go on incessantly here about…

Exterior air barrier membrane © Ecohome

How to install an air barrier for reduced air leakage - video

Air leakage is responsible for a large portion of the heat loss and moisture damage in walls, reduce air leakage for durability and energy savings. The Ecohome Demo House has a vapor permeable exterior air barrier, and with an ACH rate of .69 it is  several times more airtight than the average new home. Air leakage…

Interior sheathing as air & vapor barriers in wood frame construction

Interior sheathing as an air and vapor barrier

3/4 inch OSB sheathing on the interior can be an excellent air barrier and a great vapor barrier as well. Taping sheathing as an air barrier for walls There has been a steady evolution in the way we build homes over the last couple of decades, and the old standby wall recipe of 2x6s, fiberglass insulation and…

Air barriers are essential to a properly functioning wall system

What is an air barrier?

Approximately 100 times more water vapour is carried into our walls by air leakage than is carried by vapour diffusion. That makes air barriers 100 times more important than vapour barriers, so why is no one talking about them. How important is an air barrier in a home? Approximately 100 times more water vapor is…

Vapor retarder latex primer instead of polyethylene sheet

Replacing polyethylene vapour barriers with latex paint vapor control

Vapor retarder latex based primers can be twice as effective as the requirements laid out in many building codes regarding vapor barriers requirements. Vapor barriers in walls, why polyethylene can be problematic It would probably surprise many home builders to hear what really causes moisture accumulation in walls…

The difference between air barriers and vapour barriers

The Difference between air barriers and vapor barriers

Can a house be too airtight? No it cannot. The difference between air barriers and vapour barriers is often confused. Also confused, is which one is more important. The difference between air barriers and vapor barriers The job of a vapor barrier is to prevent vapor diffusion, and the job of an air barrier is to…
