Electric Heating

Heating efficiently with electricity


Electric convection heaters for homes, the Ecohome Guide

A buyers guide for convection heaters

Heating with electricity is a more eco-friendly option than heating with fossil fuels. As an alternative to electric furnaces its worth a look at convection heaters for efficient comfortable heating. Convection heaters are an excellent choice for homeowners seeking reliable, efficient and low-cost heating solutions…

Electric Thermal Storage Heating System Grant in Quebec

Heat Up Your Home Efficiently and Affordably in Quebec with the Electric Thermal Storage Heating System Grant !

The LogisVert programme by Hydro Quebec encourages the adoption of electric heat storage systems with a special grant, which are an effective way of conserving energy for home heating, reducing the costs and problems associated with electric heating. Electric heating is the best option in Quebec . The downside…

Why Electric Heating Systems are Best for Sustainable Homes

Heating with Electricity - The Best Choice for High Efficiency & Zero Energy Homes?

When building a new home, especially sustainable high-performance eco homes like Passive House or Zero Net Energy in a cold climate, some heat is still necessary. Is the greenest option electric heating. More and more homebuyers are starting to demand energy-efficient new homes and are pushing the building…

Electric Heaters - is heating with electric an eco-friendly option?

Heating with electricity

Electric resistance heating converts almost 100% of its energy into heat. Ultimately though, the true efficiency and environmental impact of heating with electricity is determined by the source of its production. Is Electric Heating Eco-friendly? Determining whether or not electricity is an efficient and…
