Education hub

Frequently asked questions


I'm a professional, which courses are right for me?

Ecohome has created a wealth of training courses designed specifically for architects, technologists, engineers, general contractors as well as specialized trades. See them here on the on the full course list.

I don't have a project yet. What training can I take?


If you’re looking to get an understanding of the basics so you can begin planning a build, the best starting place is our My New Ecological Home training course. It provides a complete overview of alternative techniques for sustainable home construction. A great follow up to that would be our Healthy and Ecological Interiors training course, which covers in depth the materials and products used for the construction of ecological homes.

With those two general courses under your belt we have a large selection of specialized courses to explore, so follow your interests! 

Do you need to have a basic knowledge of construction to take part?

Our general construction courses are a perfect starting place for homeowners and builders alike. As a builder you will learn the latest techniques, and as a homeowner you will gain the knowledge to make informed decisions on materials, and guide your general contractor through the process to ensure it is a success. From there you will be ready to move to more specialized courses, just be sure to check the target audience of each course to help you choose the best one for your needs at the time. 

Learning both the Renovation and My New Home courses?

There is a lot of overlap in these two courses so we would suggest you focus on either renovations or new homes depending on what is most relevant. If both are applicable and you could benefit from a more complete understanding then perhaps take the other, but you may find after one course that you have learned all you need.