Should I put foam boards right against my basement wall or leave an air gap?

Elijah Hargett
Updated: Jan. 11, 2021

Hi, I live in Southwest Indiana and the basement to our home has no insulation with a cinderblock wall that they have either applied white paint or drylok to, can't tell though. The basement is also a walkout so three sides are exposed to air while the front of the house is underground. My question is should I apply 2 inch foam board to the inside of the wall or leave a gap for air? I understand mold will not grow on the board but I am afraid that there are very small cracks in the mortar in-between some of the blocks and don't know if this will affect anything.. I found a tiny stream of light coming through only one block and had to seal it. Rain does not get directly on the walls and the crack was so small that nothing comes through. Sorry for the rambling but I wanted to give you as much information as possible. Thanks for any help you can provide.

Responses (4)

Elijah Hargett 4 years ago
Mike Reynolds 4 years ago

Exterior insulation is for sure the best, no question. But it can be a lot more work since you need to excavate. I don't want to instill panic in you about this since tons of block foundations get insulated from the inside and it causes no problem at all, it's just something to consider. Your climate isn't too harsh there so if you think it looks okay then go for it.  What can reduce the risk of cracking even more is if you keep it as dry as possible, so make sure water drains away from it not towards it. 

Elijah Hargett 4 years ago

What about the condensation that might form between the foamboard and block wall? Won't it eventually just drip down and cause issues with flooring?