How do you properly insulate a cinder block foundation walk out?
I recently had perimeter drainage installed on the inside of the basement with 6-mil plastic in the areas that is below grade. I am now in the process of framing it out. The rear elvation is a walk out with full cinder block instead of 2x6. I am framed out about two inches from the foundation and I am in Zone 4. Should I apply a foam board to the interior cinder block walk out area or can I use Faced r-13 throughout the basement walls ?
A cinderblock / CMU / concrete block foundation is not as strong as poured concrete, and insulating the interior of walls in extremely cold climates can sometimes cause cracking. In climate zone 4 you should be okay, but just making a note for anyone else reading along.
The thing about insulating a cinderblock foundation that has never had insulation, is that it is used to being warm during the winter, and the addition of insulation can subject it to stress through seasonal freezing and thawing.
In milder climates like yours it is less of a concern, but for good measure I would do an inspection of the joints before you close the walls to be sure they will stand the test of time. Assuming it is in good condition, I would point you to this page -
How to insulate a basement so it won't develop mold
As for your choice of insulation, I would be leaning towards the foam. I would assume you have no moisture protection on the exterior, and even less likely underneath the footing. In which case, moisture will continuously rise from the ground through the cement and deposit moisture in a framed wall, and if you have paper faced batts you will likely develop mold in very short order. On the other hand, 2 inches of EPS foam on basement walls prevents mold since it acts as a vapor barrier and will keep the moisture safely in the concrete.